It is with deepest regret that Valley Spokesmen Racing Team must announce the cancellation of the 2019 Wente Vineyards Classic Road Race scheduled for April 28. We concluded we could not create the type of racing experience that would measure up to the quality of the event that we have nurtured for the past 31 years.
We are indeed planning on returning for 2020 in a format that better meets the needs of VSRT, our parent organization VSBC, the greater NCNCA community, and of course, our local communities where we love and live.
We remain committed to the NCNCA community and will continue to do so during the 2019 road racing season in unconventional ways- and we hope you will participate with us. Please follow us on Facebook and Instagram to hear more about the exciting opportunities!
Again, we are deeply sorry about not being able to execute our event and the impacts this may cause to teams' racing schedules for 2019.
Valley Spokesmen Racing Team
