At long last- we are gearing up to start a Youth Cycling Group under the heralded VSBC banner: "VARSITY Youth Cycling Club"
If you are interested in helping plan for this group as a coach, coordinator, or have youth that are interested, please head over to our website at and complete the contact form. Please also feel free to circulate this and send to others in Tri-Valley/East Bay that you think may have interested youth. VARSITY will host monthly kids rides suitable for beginners and beyond. We will also support youth racing. Our goal is to share a love of cycling with the next generation in a positive social environment where youth can learn and practice cycling skills for mountain biking, cyclocross, and road cycling. Initial emphasis will be on mountain biking and mixed terrain.
-Jonathan McKaskey
Valley Spokesmen Racing Team, President
** - earlier versions of this blog post said "vsrty". ...VARSITY started from vsrt-y(outh)... and it took us way to long to realize that we were all saying "VARSITY" but that the V.S.R.T.Y. acronym doesn't really spell out like "varsity"... varsity sounds cool- it fits our character and goals, and somehow (??!!), the URL was available... So, like good cyclists should, we are are "rolling" with the new name "VARSITY" Youth Cycling Club...